Stand on Guard // Purifying the Foundation
When we hosted our regional worship and intercession night called, The Ascent, on Sunday, March 3, the Lord began to unfold strategy and reveal His heart to us in preparation for the coming months. This is part two of our series, Stand on Guard. Make sure you check out the previous post to join in agreement and continue to bring Heaven to earth.
At this moment in history, the Lord wants to purify the foundation of our nation with the river of God and the blood of the Lamb. At our gathering, there was a powerful moment as Heaven revealed itself to us and we agreed. Listen to the audio clip to hear the full sound and join with us in decreeing the purification of the foundations at their very core.
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River of God
Prophetic Song
“I see the river of God flowing through parliament buildings. Through every room, every corner to every person. It’s washing us clean. Bringing purity. Let it flow.”
CFT Worship Team
The River of God
At the beginning of the night, before this song was released, one of our 4 year-old children had made a craft that you will see pictured here. As you can see, it was a picture of a river. What a humbling confirmation of what God was doing through worship. After the night was over, this little one was so excited that she shouted, “Look! I made a picture of a river and I didn’t even know we were going to sing it!”
EVERY generation is important to God and if we make room, He will speak. Children have been a key part of our gatherings at CFT and the revelation that they bring often give clues and confirmation as to what God is doing and where He is headed.
After the release of the river of God, we were shifted into a time of declaring the power of Jesus’ blood to wash and cleanse. We know by faith that God was working deeply down to the very roots of our nation.
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Nothing But the Blood
Join us for the next Ascent on Sunday, April 7 at 7pm at Centralia Faith Tabernacle.