Centralia Faith Tabernacle Equipping Centre

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Election 2019 | 29 Days

Election update + prayer points

With the election only 29 days away, there will be lots of media flooding the air ways in order to reveal, distract and inform. Ears 2 Hear Prophecy reposted an article from 2015 which is a reminder to us that God is still in control and He has a plan. We partner with Him as labourers in His vineyard. Be encouraged, here is a portion of the prophecy.

By Fr. Stephen Barbour - October 30, 2015

Recounting a prophetic word received a year earlier (2014)  while on a private group tour of Parliament: 

So as I am sitting in his seat [Prime Minister Stephen Harper] praying, the Member of Parliament who had let us in had asked if we would pray for more of the presence of God in the House of Commons. . . .And so, as I’m sitting there, God starts speaking to me about His sovereignty and His authority. He tells me, ‘Stephen, this Prime Minster is not going to win the next election’ and He begins to tell me about what’s coming for Canada and that the one who will replace him will actually have scandal (and while we’re praying for positive), there are going to be things of evil entering Parliament Hill. And He assured me, ‘Stephen, this is part of my plan, because I will have dominion from sea to sea.’

And I think we’ve begun to be afraid of what this next Prime Minister is going to do and He’s saying, ‘No, no Church, I am trying to build something glorious in this country, and I am sovereign and I am the reigning King, and I will have dominion from sea to sea in Canada.’ . . . . . . So, He told me, ‘as the world begins to look at Canada for all the negative things, for the scandals that are going to come, for the evil that will take place, the world is going to look on Canada with disgust.’ And He said, ‘in that time, I am going to build My Church and they are going to build a stage for the whole world to see my glory in this country.’

So where we’ve been worried about politics and government, He said, ‘I am turning the eyes of the world to this country so the Church can stand and show the world my glory.’ So Church, He’s calling us to look at this election with heavenly perspective, that He is sovereign, He is reigning and in His perfect and holy plan He is calling the Church to rise up and proclaim His glory and to convey His love and grace to the world around us.”

We are an election away from that Word and we are about to begin a new era as we enter the new Hebrew year of 5780. So in the remaining days of 5779 - which represents seeing and birthing - may our King Jesus pour out His Spirit on HIS church like never before.

 Joel 2:28    “Then it will come about at a later time that I will pour out my Spirit on every person.  Your sons and your daughters will prophesy.  Your elderly people will dream dreams, and your young people will see visions.”

We ask for encounters like Paul had on the road to Damascus. For those bound in religion, for those hurt by religion and where religion is hiding in any part of our hearts. May we see from a heavenly perspective and in so doing, BE the Message.  As the church arises in Canada and takes her place, the world will know, that Jesus is Lord.  So, we declare over Your church and over Canada these scriptures.

Acts 9:18  Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s (our) eyes and he (we) could see again.”

Isaiah 60:1-2 “Arise, shine for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord shines over you.  For look, darkness will cover the earth, and total darkness the peoples; but the Lord will shine over you and his glory will appear over you.  Nations will come to your light and kings to your shining brightness.”

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