May the kindness of God’s grace and peace overflow to you from Him who is and who was, and who is coming, and from the seven spirits who are in front of His throne, and from Jesus Christ the Faithful Witness, the Firstborn from among the dead and the ruling King who rules over the kings of the earth. Now to the One who constantly loves us and has loosed us from our sins by His own blood, and to the One who has appointed us as a kingdom of priests to serve his God and Father-to Him be glory and dominion throughout the eternity of eternities! Amen! - Revelations 1:4
This past week the worlds eyes have been on the US election. As it continues to unfold, we all have our personal choice whether we were voting or not. Although it is important who is ruling in the natural, more importantly is who is ruling spiritually. We already have the advantage because the spiritual election is rigged to our favour. Jesus is the winner and no one can tamper with His ballots. He himself said, “It is finished”. However, if we the Ekklesia don’t believe and live from that place, we give authority to the other realm. May we not waste or be defrauded out of the authority that has been given to us by our Saviour.
Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ who is now in heaven at the place of supreme authority next to God. The very powers of heaven, including every angel and authority, now yield in submission to him. - 1 Peter 3:22
I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and God in heaven will allow whatever you allow on earth. But he will not allow anything you don't allow. - Matthew 16:19
We are in a war for the souls of men that hang in the balance. He has already given us the keys of the kingdom which are the principles in His Word. This is the battle plan and blueprint to overthrow structures of iniquity in the world that we live, to loot, plunder and pillage the enemy’s camp. After all, we are just taking back what was stolen from us, our families and our ancestors. God is a good Father and He would never leave us vulnerable to the enemy without weapons, but we have to learn to use the weapons He has given us otherwise we will live defeated, be taken captive and or suffer great loss.
As we come under the authority of our Commander and Chief, may we have faith like the centurion who sent friends to ask Jesus to heal his servant.
“Lord, do not trouble Yourself, for I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof. Therefore, I did not even think myself worthy to come to You. But say the word and my servant will be healed. For I also am a man placed under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to one, Go and he goes; and to another, Come, and he comes and to my servant, Do this, and he does it” When Jesus heard these things, He marvelled at him and turned around and said to the crowd that followed Him, “I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel” - Luke 7:6-10
Oh, Canada, may our King, find great faith in our nation! AMEN