Israel and Canada's Relationship

Israel and Canada’s Future

Just last week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau surprised the world when he renounced the former decision that Stephen Harper made to stand with Israel and support their right to exist and defend themselves as a nation. It’s important that we stay informed about this decision as it has a great effect on the heart of our nation. Below are a few resources to help us become informed so the Lord can reveal how we move forward as the Ekklesia, governing our nation.

CBC Article - Outlines the decision that was made by our Prime Minster.

Video from Faytene TV - Faytene interviews Dr. James Lunney, a former member of parliament who served as the chair of the the Canada-Israel Inter-parliamentary Friendship Group. They talk about Canada’s relationship with Israel and it’s significance and there is also a prophetic word given by the late John Paul Jackson about what would happen if Canada began to pull away from Israel.

It’s important that we take our place as the Ekklesia and stand in the gap, releasing blessing and confessing our stance in the spirit. We will need to position ourselves through identificational repentance so that our nation can be aligned with the heart of the Father.

  • Repent for betraying our friend, Israel, and ask for forgiveness.

  • Repent for choosing to stand against the nation of Israel.

  • Pray for a reversal of the curse and speak blessing.

  • Pray for the heart of the nation to be repositioned as an ally, a friend and a supporter.

  • Decree blessing and increase over Israel.

29th Canadian Ministry

This past week, our government swore in the new members of parliament. Others were shuffled into different positions to make up the 29th Canadian ministry. The number 29 means overcoming mountains and mountains are a place to experience God.

Mark 11:23 says, “I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘Go fall into the sea’ and if you have no doubts in your mind and believe that what you say will happen, God will do it for you.”

So, we pray and believe that this “new government” will be the government that experiences God. The government that meets our King face to face so that they will be “rescued from the kingdom of darkness and transferred into the Kingdom of His dear Son.” Col 1:13

While our natural government was appointing new representation, our true King wants to do the same thing in His Kingdom. The month of Cheshvan is a month the Lord wants to draw a new anointing out of us. Anointing is to ceremonially confer divine or holy office upon (a priest or king) by smearing or rubbing with oil. God wants to appoint His “kings” to rule and reign on the earth that He has given to them. In the last days of this month of the “Messiah”, we invite the Lord to “Search me, God and know my heart: test me, and know my anxious thoughts: See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23-24.

We thank you Lord that you don’t leave us in our sin but you bring us out cleansed, healed and restored as long as we are willing. And not only that, but you are excited and eager to do it.

Rom 8:18 says, "I am convinced that any suffering we endure is less than nothing, compared to the magnitude of glory that is about to be unveiled within us. The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God’s glorious sons and daughters.”

In Jesus name, we call forth the sons and daughters to their rightful places. We call forth the warriors of this generation. The “gamers” who have the DNA of a warrior for such a time as this to come forth, out of the kingdom of darkness, into the Kingdom of the Son of His love. In Jesus name we speak to the valley of dry bones. Where life has killed, stolen and destroyed people’s destinies and left them for dead, we prophesy to these bones and say, “Dry bones, hear the Word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones. I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.” Ezek 27:4-6

We speak this over our families, communities, provinces and nation in Jesus name.  

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