Covering our Authority

Happy New Year!  We have come forth, like Lazarus, out of the grave into the New Year of 2020.  A new era, a new decade and God has lots in store for us!  We have emerged as “new wine skins”.  How exciting that we can partner with our God to see “His Kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” - Matt 6:10. 

As we continue to step into the new era, we are walking further into Kingdom, allowing God to strip away mindsets, traditions and old patterns that are not serving Kingdom purposes any longer. In this place we hold the paradox of feeling unfamiliar and uncomfortable in one hand and confident trust in the other. This can be a place of great tension! Rest assured that the Lord is with us as we are taking more land by letting the Lord reveal areas in our hearts where we have been living in old ways that are no longer necessary for inheriting the new land.

Covering our Authority

Right now we are in the Hebrew Month of Tevet which is represented by the tribe of Dan. The meaning of Dan is “to rule, to judge or to execute judgement.” Tevet is the 10th month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar and ten represents government and law.  This is the month to pray for your Commander in Chief.  We know that whoever leads not only has great influence but also great responsibility. Who knows the situations you can change or the people you can reach just through praying for our leaders? Their decisions affect many people everyday. Whether it be fathers, mothers, teachers, bosses, pastors or political leaders. 

 “Most of all, I’m writing to encourage you to pray with gratitude to God. Pray for all men with all forms of prayers and requests as you intercede with intense passion.  And pray for every political leader and representative so that we would be able to live tranquil, undisturbed lives, as we worship the awe-inspiring God with pure hearts.  It is pleasing to our Saviour-God to pray for them. “He longs for everyone to embrace his life and return to the full knowledge of the truth.”   

1 Tim 2:1-4  

Let the Lord bring to mind leaders and those in authority in your life. Take a moment to bless them and thank God for them. You will sense a heart of gratitude well up inside you and the Holy Spirit may show you just what they need. What a privilege to hear the heart of the Father for our leaders!

It’s important that we continue to cover the leadership in this time of great turmoil throughout the nations. From earthquakes, to rumours of wars, to senseless casualties, the leadership of our nation needs the ekklesia to help them carry the weight and to see properly. Let’s position ourselves on behalf of nations to ask for mercy where unrighteous decisions have been made.

Let us not forget that the greatest mercy every shown is the invitation to salvation and so, we pray that they would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, their souls safe and secure in You. Forgive us, the Ekklesia for setting ourselves as judges over the things that we don’t know and help us to remember that it is Your heart and within Your great power to redeem and recover all.

Luke 23:34  Forgive them Father for they know not what they do Send Your prophets to go before them to bring the love of our King.   

1 Peter 4:8 For love covers a multitude of sin.  

Psalm 51:10 Create in them a clean heart, and renew a steadfast spirit within them.  

Psalm 119:32 Enlarge their heartsfor the love of your ways. 

Prov 1:7  May the fear of the Lord be their wisdom, so that righteousness and integrity may guide their every decision.  

We ask, Lord that You would protect our leadership from the schemes of the enemy and enlighten their path so they will leave blessings for generations to come. Strengthen them with godly courage to resist the temptation to rule without you. Guard their hearts from distractions that will destroy them or lead them astray.  Fill them with Your destiny dream you had for them when they were a God-thought. Surround them with others that will speak life and give godly counsel. May they be men and women of moral excellence, integrity and wisdom. May they have teachable and humble hearts, always recognizing that without You they will fail. 

We thank you Lord, for the opportunity to partner with You in bringing heaven to earth and we declare  

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.  Hab 2:14 

The glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all mankind together will see it.  For the mouth of the Lord has spoken. Isa 40:5   

May this be the Year!

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