The New Year – 2019 // 5779 - Peace

Welcome 2019.png

As we gathered at the beginning of the new year to hear what God wanted to say, He came near to us in a powerful way. The next few posts are some of the key prophetic words and songs that came forth. Be wildly encouraged, filled with hope and positioned to advance in 2019.



After a powerful declaration of Jesus being enthroned on our praise, a song was released to carry us into the new. It challenged anxiety and positioned us to move forward into the unknown with confidence. The lyrics are from a powerful song called, Peace by Hillsong Young and Free.

“What anxiety fails to remember is that peace is a promise you keep.”

Lyrics Peace by Hillsong Young and Free

“Peace I give and Peace I leave with you as you step into the new, I give you Peace.
I give you Me.”

CFT Prophetic Song

Key activation points for your personal life:

  1. Thank God for the forging of 2018. Think of the past year in the places where you were crushed. See the Lord entering those places, making you strong at your weakest point. Ask Holy Spirit to show you where He was in those times you felt forsaken.

  2. The Lord wants to show up to you as the Prince of Peace to launch you into this year with confidence in Him. Agree and declare that He is your Prince of Peace.

    Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life, then God’s wonderful peace that transcends human understanding, will make the answers known to you through Jesus Christ.

Key activation for the region/body of Christ:

  1. Declare over the church - Peace is your portion! Peace is a promise that God keeps because it’s who He is. He is revealing answers as we submit to Him as the Prince of Peace.

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