Hello regional family! Over the past 10 years, the Lord has been defining and redefining our identity as a family at CFT. He’s been revealing what He has uniquely woven into us as a house and what assignments He has given us to see through. It has been a wild ride!
This space is a product of that maturing, developing and releasing. Allow me to expand a little more:
We are an apostolic/prophetic house with the mandate to restore foundations, build people and prepare His church locally, regionally and nationally. We have learned to fight battles against principalities and powers in the arena of our own lives, on behalf of our corporate body and over our community. Now, the Lord has begun to open up specific prayer strategies for the body of Christ throughout our region and our nation and we’re excited to be able to share those strategies with you – our regional family. It’s time for the body of Christ in Southwestern Ontario to take her position as the Ecclesia that Jesus paid for with His blood.
You and I are the watchmen on the wall.
The purpose of this blog is to create space for us to gather all the prophetic revelation in one place so together we can pray, declare and to accelerate our movement in advancing the Kingdom. We are excited for what God is going to do in and through all of us in this region!
So, watchmen - if you and your local church family begin to get revelation from Heaven that is for the region, please send them our way. We will keep them together and discern patterns and themes to send back out to the regional tribe for prayer and declaration.
Throughout the year, we will keep you connected through a variety of ways - videos, songs, messages and emails that will contain key prayer directives and strategies. If you’d like the information first hand, subscribe below and we’ll make sure that you are on the list. There are also strategic regional gatherings that happen throughout the year that we want to keep you aware of. In this pivotal time, let’s not forsake meeting together!
Every battle is won in the spiritual realm before we ever see it manifested here on earth. We believe the Lord is releasing an acceleration at the same time as He is drawing us together as family. Together we can carry more and go farther than any one of us could do on our own.
Forward any prophetic insight to regionalprayer@centraliafaith.com
Regional Prayer Team
Centralia Faith Tabernacle Equipping Centre